Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter and a Reason for Smiles!

This past month has been a time of great reflection about important things in life. More importantly... Life is Important! And life is fleeting...

Yesterday while visiting our son's church, the message was as if pointed directly at my heart. Quite frankly, my attitude needs adjustment. I am simply amazed that no matter how many times I hear the very powerful Easter message, I come away with "aha's" like I am hearing it for the very first time. Maybe that is the joy of the Christian message in a beautifully wrapped package called Easter. He is Risen! The Tomb is Empty! We have a reason to rejoice in living, no matter the difficulty we endure while living it. Simply put....the message of rebirth helped me make a decision to once again not look at my circumstances. To surrender all. To believe that a new beginning is here right now. Not tomorrow, not next week, but NOW! All I have to do is lay down my control and allow God to make the decisions that are right for my life. Ah, but that is the hard part, isn't it?

Every day is a day of surrendering. Then and only then can real change occur and just like the perfect Easter message, it is in the exact measure in which it is to occur for my life. "If it is to be, then it is up to God to make it be..." I like that. How about you?

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