Wednesday, March 18, 2009

On my way to Boise...

Our family is going through a tragedy right now. It hurts. It is real...hearts and dreams are broken.

My nephew, Nate Mansfield, age 27, passed away last Wednesday, March 11. No words can describe the sadness my heart experienced, and yet, it is no where near the sadness my brother and his family felt. The rawness. The unbelief that it actually happened. The daily numbness...

While I sit here making plans to get on a plane to Boise tomorrow with my brothers and sisters beside me, I wonder about how we will all get through this. The truth is we won't. Nate's life touched each of ours. Even though we didn't often talk, we always knew he was out there, and when we got to see each other at family events, there was Nate with his big smile, warm laughter, and great big hugs for each of us. He loved us. We knew he did...

So tomorrow begins a journey that I have never experienced before. Losing someone so young is never easy for anyone to wrap their minds around. To say goodbye will wrench our souls. God already knows this. He is prepared to carry that sorrow as it will eventually turn into joy and remembering a life with fondness and wonderful memories. The joy is knowing that we will see Nate again because of our faith in Jesus Christ. No doubts, no concerns. We WILL see him again, and when that happens, there will be laughter in Heaven...

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