Friday, March 7, 2014

Hey, Did You Hear That?

The last couple days I’ve been trying to really hone in on the small things that go on in my life.  Some people may find these to be the annoying parts of our life, but I have found them to be rather fascinating actually.  Have you ever truly listened to a faucet dripping just because?  Have you ever noticed just how loud static electricity is when you kiss someone you love in the winter months?  Or perhaps how much noise your clothes make when you take them out of the dryer after forgetting to put a dryer sheet in with the load?  Your car needs power steering fluid so it emits that dull squeal when you turn your steering wheel too much in one direction?

All those little distractions that I don’t always hear because I’m busy doing other things have purpose of their own.  If I choose to ignore them, there may be consequences to pay.  They are, at times, alerts for us so that our world is not set at a tipping point.  Noisy expressions in life are all around directing us to what needs attention.  We turn off the dripping faucet when we finally hear a more deep tone like a tub filled to overflowing.  We learn to turn down our car radios so we can replicate the noise to our mechanics.  We remember to put a dryer sheet in the next load when we try to fold the fly-away clothes.  These noises teach us lessons if we are willing to listen.

I’ve also found it to be true when I am listening to the people around me.  The words they say speak volumes to me if I am really open and listening.  How many times do I listen with one ear while continuing to keep track of something else I hear?  When I am focusing on others with a heart to hear, I find my compassion and emotional availability are heightened.  I am not only listening, but I am feeling the words they are conveying.  I am also able to tap into their heartbeat and rhythm.  Are they conveying happy words, but their body language speaks otherwise?  Are they filled with self-confidence or self-defeat?  Do they speak blessings over their lives or sabotage?

In those moments when I truly take the time to hear the various alerts going off around me, I am open to learning how to redirect a possible disaster or to give loving words to someone God has brought across my path.  The truth is sometimes I’m walking too fast to notice.  I rush past those alerts and just keep on keeping on not wanting to listen, not wanting to take the time to see.  I’m just. too. busy.
So the past couple days I’ve listened more and in doing so, I’ve learned more, too.  During this Easter season, while we wait for the long winter to be over and Spring to finally be with us, perhaps we all can take a little more time to observe with open hearts the events and people surrounding us and to really take the time to listen.  God is sending us messages if only we take the time to hear.

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